Main Page

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Revision as of 08:43, 3 November 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs) (EdTech Tutorials: editing link)
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Welcome to the new and improved CAT+FD Wiki, designed to support programming by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development at Xavier University of Louisiana.


Brightspace Tutorials

EdTech Tutorials

Pedagogy Presentations

Transformative Feast

Communities of Practice

  • Faculty Portfolio Working Group: Develop a portfolio as a scholarly project that provides documented evidence of teaching from a variety of sources.
  • Fall Faculty Book Club: During the fall semester CAT sponsors a book club for Xavier faculty.
  • #LearnEverywhereXULA Advanced Certification
  • P-MAX (Preparing Mentors and Advisors at Xavier): P-MAX is a training program that is designed to provide participating faculty with the knowledge and skills needed to mentor and advise undergraduate students, especially those engaged in research.
  • Part-time Faculty Support: Links and resources for new and returning part-time faculty members.
  • Xavier Faculty Writing Group: Each semester, the Xavier Faculty Writing Group provides a supportive community for teacher-scholars to further their academic writing.


Archived Resources