LearnEverywhereXULA Advanced Certification
#LearnEverywhereXULA Advanced Certification

You worked hard last summer, honing your Brightspace skills and learning some of the better practices for remote and online teaching. Expand your horizons even more by becoming #LearnEverywhereXULA (#LEX) Advanced Certified!
By participating in at least four #LEX Advanced workshops, not only will you you learn about using design and automation features available in Brightspace to apply better pedagogical practices within your courses by making them more user-friendly, accessible, and efficient; you will also earn a certificate you can include in your Faculty Update or your teaching portfolio.
Each semester going forward, we will offer two new workshops that expand upon you learning in the original #LearnEverywhereXULA course. Attending any of those counts as credit toward the advanced certification. You can also watch past #LEX Advanced workshops and complete a follow-up assessment to earn credits toward certification.