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The [/Xavier%20Contemplative%20Inquiry%20Team Xavier Contemplative Inquiry Team] Resources and Opportunities Newsletter is sent via email to team members, and we're archiving the content here for ease of access.

XCIT 2016 Call for Participation

Bringing the Mind Home (June 3 at Tulane)

The Ninth Annual Mindfulness in Education Network Conference, "Mindfulness: Foundation for Teaching and Learning," was held from March 4-6, 2016, at Bryn Mawr College. You can now watch the conference videos and download the conference materials.

Zen and the Art of Zombie-Killing: A Buddhist anti-Tech Manifesto

Tech stress: Are mindfulness apps doing us more harm than good?

New Meetup: Flowering Lotus Mindfulness Meditation Group

Integrative Contemplative Pedagogy Program for Educators (July 10-16, 2016)
Sponsored by the Contemplative Studies Initiative, Brown University

Why Don’t Students Take Social-Emotional Learning Home?
New research suggests we need to take account of how diverse groups of students view and apply SEL skills

The Science of Contemplative Practice and the Practice of Contemplative Science: A Webinar with Aaron Godlaski
Video: https://vimeo.com/160890034
Slides: http://www.contemplativemind.org/files/Godlaski_2016ACMHE_webinar-Science_of_Contemplative_Practice.pdf
(This is the webinar I mentioned in our meeting on 28 March.)

The Hidden Price of Mindfulness Inc.
Thanks to Wendy for spotting this one, a critical reflection on the "mindfulness craze."

New Meetup: Yoga for Everyone in New Orleans

Yoga in schools in Georgia:
And the backlash!

Video: Daniel Goleman talks with Oprah Winfrey about the link between mindfulness and empathy

Demeter and Your Bigness of Being, A Spring Equinox Meditation

Addicted to Your Phone? Try this Practice—Phone in Hand

Duke University's Koru Mindfulness Program Lives Up to Its Name

Meditation 101: A beginner's guide (animation)
Kind of flippant, kind of fun, but what do you expect from a talking mouse? It's short.

Mindful Cyborgs
Mindful cyborgs is a movement to help people place themselves in "airplane mode" and not their devices. The movement aims to create a dialog focusing on contemplative technology, critiquing the status quo and creating mindful spaces where practitioners can use technology in safe and kind environments while they support their meditation practice. The movement is supported by a podcast and local meetups.

Not sure I remember seeing this site before.
Contemplative Pedagogy Network
Recent posts of possible interest include:
‘Why telling students to be compassionate isn’t enough…’
‘Exploring Labyrinths’

Is Mindfulness Religious?

Jay spotted this: 8 Components of a Reflective Classroom

Research Repository: Yoga and Meditation for Children and Adolescents
With the intention of providing a free, helpful resource for schools, program providers, researchers and others interested in the body of evidence supporting yoga and mindfulness for children, adolescents, and in schools, Yoga 4 Classrooms and ChildLight Yoga's founder, Lisa Flynn, and Bethany Butzer, PhD, partnered to compile a comprehensive research repository. This organized reference list of peer-reviewed published studies and research review articles provides links to abstracts and full-text publications when available. (Note: scroll down to find this.)

Sustainable Compassion Training from Courage of Care

Imagination, quiet time are key for students (from Archdiocese of San Francisco)

Call For Papers Performance and Mindfulness Symposium 2-5 June 2016

Does Mindfulness Belong in Public Schools?

MaPó found this two-part video and says "It's more about the power of rhythmic breathing than anything else."
TEDxPortsmouth - Dr. Alan Watkins - Being Brilliant Every Single Day (in two parts)
https://youtu.be/q06YIWCR2Js and https://youtu.be/Q_fFattg8N0

New book: The Psychology of Meditation: Research and Practice Edited by Michael A. West

New book, now in our library: "MINDFUL TECH, How to Bring Balance to Our Digital Lives, by David M. Levy
From email to smart phones, and from social media to Google searches, digital technologies have transformed the way we learn, entertain ourselves, socialize, and work. Despite their usefulness, these technologies have often led to information overload, stress, and distraction. In recent years many of us have begun to look at the pluses and minuses of our online lives and to ask how we might more skillfully use the tools we've developed. Never prescriptive, the book opens up new avenues for self-inquiry and will allow readers - in the workplace, in the classroom, and in the privacy of their homes - to make meaningful and powerful changes.

The Arrow: A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics has a call for papers for two upcoming issues:

Mindfulness in Education Network conference early-bird rates extended
Register for the 3-Day Conference for $300 through February 15; ($420 after 2/15)

Zen and the Art of Multitasking: Mindfulness for Law Librarians

Is mindfulness making us ill?

Contemplative Environmental Practice (Workshop/Retreat)
A workshop/retreat for professors and activists July 24 - 30, 2016
Location: Lama Foundation, San Cristobal, New Mexico
Cost: $980 (includes fees, accommodations, and meals)

New book: Mindful Tech: How to Bring Balance to Our Digital Lives by David Levy

New website: The Mindful Semester
This is by Beth Berila, author of Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy

New book: Philosophy East/West: Exploring intersections between educational and contemplative practices. (Wiley-Blackwell)

Building Authentic Relationships with Adolescents Online is a fully online video-based, self-paced, and affordable course that overviews 6 simple, yet transformative skills for building authentic relationships with adolescents (or anyone for that matter).

Transformative Pedagogies in the Visual Domain
A new book is coming out on teaching contemplative visual arts — and they are looking for chapters.

Communicating Mindfully
Note textbook. A sample chapter is available.

Headspace app generates buzz as meditation turns ultra-trendy
It's official: meditation is now "ultra-trendy"

New Year Resolution: Control my technology addiction
A columnist addresses the connection between technology, work/life balance, and contemplative practice.

Please note this book is now available in the CAT+FD library! You are encouraged to check it out.
Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy by Beth Berila
Drawing from mindfulness education and social justice teaching, this book explores an anti-oppressive pedagogy for university and college classrooms. This engaging book is full of practical tips for deepening learning, addressing challenging situations, and providing mindfulness practices in anti-oppression classrooms.

Mindfulness in Education Network — annual conference
The Ninth Annual Mindfulness in Education Network Conference, Mindfulness: Foundation for Teaching and Learning, will be held from March 4-6, 2016, at Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, PA. Conference registration is now open. (Bart has attended this event in the past if you want to know more.)

Bridging the ​Hearts ​and ​Minds ​of ​Youth ​Conference: ​Mindfulness ​and ​ Compassion ​from ​the ​Classroom ​to ​the ​Clinic, ​and ​Beyond

February 26-28, 2016 San Diego, CA

Contemplative methods meets sociological imagination
Vincenzo Giorgino (University of Turin) organizes a special session on “Contemplative methods meets sociological imagination. An enactive perspective for sociological inquiry and wise social transformation" in the RC33 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology of the International Sociological Association (ISA) in 11-16 September 2016 at the University of Leicester in Leicester, UK. (See call for papers)

A review of PaGaian Cosmology Meditation CD set
Note: Bart has this set.

Here's Why You Need to Question Mindfulness in Classrooms
Another critical view.

Contemplative Practices for the 21st Century University
This conference at Virginia Tech is geared particularly toward the mid-Atlantic region but may still be of interest. The call for submissions includes an intriguing call for "for art, installations, and technology demonstrations with focus on contemplative practice"

Researchers Probing Potential Power of Meditation as Therapy (Thanks to Herb for sending this one along.)
Also, here's a story about the Wake-Forest study.

This service generates ambient background noise.

Free three-video series with Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach

They want kids to be robots: Meet the new education craze designed to distract you from overtesting
(This article by David Forbes questions the use of mindfulness in K12 public schools.)

This DVD is now in CAT+FD's library: Everybody Present: Mindfulness in the Classroom, by Kristin Roush, Ph.D. Description: With so many easy interruptions to our concentration, it's no wonder that students can find it hard to follow a classroom discussion closely. This seminar increases your awareness of the power of mindfulness techniques to enhance the teaching experience for you and the learning experience of your students.

New and local: New Orleans Qi Gong Meetup

Attention, Addiction, and Technology by Arthur Rosenfeld

Mindfulness, MOOCs, and Money in Higher Education
Conference: March 18–21, 2016

Mindfulness Is Going Global With World's Largest Online Meditation
(If you sign up for the Mindfulness Summit now, you can still catch the global meditation event this weekend. Signup is free until the end of the month.)

New Meetup: New Orleans Beginner Yoga Meetup - Social Sweat Krewe

Interview with Jon Kabat Zinn

Interview with Andy Puddicombe

Dynamic Mindfulness Training, Nov. 16 & 17 at Tulane
Offered by Niroga Institute

New book: Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens

Not-so-new book: The Art of Doing Nothing: Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/885297.The_Art_of_Doing_Nothing
(Recommended by Dr. Rosalind Hale)

The Jewish Roots of Mindfulness
How a group of Jews turned a Buddhist spiritual practice into a distinctly American phenomenon—and a multi-billion-dollar industry

Can We End the Meditation Madness?

White Privilege and the Mindfulness Movement

Reading: How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation by Karen Kissel Wegela (Psychology Today)

Corporate mindfulness is bullsh*t
(If the title doesn't clue you in, this article takes a critical perspective on "McMindfulness.")

Neuroscience backs up the Buddhist belief that “the self” isn’t constant, but ever-changing

TedTalk on Mindfulness in Ed

Have you heard of the Greater Good Science Center?

A new $300 mindfulness gizmo.
Too pricey? How about a $150 gizmo?
Note: Bart maintains another newsletter called Tech Mindful:

The Way of ColorInsight: Understanding Race and Law Effectively Through Mindfulness-Based ColorInsight Practices by Rhonda V. Magee
(While none of us teach law, the material on ColorInsight Practices may be of special interest given Xavier's historically black status. See also Magee's recent article "How Mindfulness Can Defeat Racial Bias."

Resources from the Center for Integrative Health and Wellness (Ohio State)
includes books, podcast, websites, apps, videos, and self-assessment tools

Here's Why You Need to Question Mindfulness in Classrooms
(This HuffPo article is focused on preschool but has valuable food for thought for all levels of education.)

Effectiveness of mindfulness in improving mental health symptoms of children and adolescents:a meta-analysis

Wendy sends the following NY Times article: "How to Live Wisely," which features five interesting questions to engender freshman reflection.

Join us to practice balance and find serenity through Tai Chi THURSDAY (Sept. 10) from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the UC Yard. Classes begin Sept. 17. Please contact Confucius Institute at Confucius@xula.edu or call 520-7237.

New book: Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy: Social Justice in Higher Education (Routledge, 2015)

A little about the book: "Drawing from mindfulness education and social justice teaching, this bookexplores an anti-oppressive pedagogy for university and college classrooms. Authentic classroom discussions about oppression and diversity can be difficult; a mindful approach allows students to explore their experiences with compassion and to engage in critical inquiry to confront their deeply held beliefs and value systems. This engaging book is full of practical tips for deepening learning, addressing challenging situations, and providing mindfulness practices in anti-oppression classrooms. Integrating Mindfulness into Anti-Oppression Pedagogy is for all higher education professionals interested in pedagogy that empowers and engages students in the complex unlearning of oppression."

The authors have decided to make the Kindle version of The Mindful Way to Study permanently free.
Book Link on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1O2wCk8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MindfulWayToStudy

The Mindfulness Summit (Free online event): http://themindfulnesssummit.com/

Mindfulness retreats in Vietnam:
Loving Work Retreat in Scenic Hoi An: March 19 - April 02, 2016
Optional Add-on: Two and 1/2 days in Saigon: April 02 - April 5
Discovering the Homeland of Our Teacher Mobile Retreat, traveling south to north in beautiful Viet Nam: April 02 - 16, 2016
More details at www.lovingworkfoundation.org

Save the date! Mindfulness in Education Network: annual conference will be held March 4-6, 2016 at Bryn Mawr College near Philadelphia, PA. More information about the conference will be available online in the fall at mindfuled.org

The Arrow bills itself as a journal of wakeful society, culture and politics: http://www.arrow-journal.org/
And they are looking for editors: http://www.arrow-journal.org/editor-positions/

Here's a local event Robin spotted, "Embodied Mindfulness: An Exploration of Wholeness through Movement and Stillness "

A three-day workshop in Rhinebeck, New York, a joint effort of the Omega Institute and the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society:

Contemplative Practices for Anti-Oppression Pedagogy has officially launched. Still open to submissions:

Ross noticed this article by Heather Anne Trahan in Liminalities, a performance studies journal. It considers the use of silence as a contemplative tool in writing and other humanities classes. It includes a bit of theory as rationale too.
The Silent Teacher: A Performative, Meditative Model of Pedagogy