XCIT Meetings (2017-2018)
Over the 2016-2017 academic year, the Xavier Contemplative Inquiry Team will meet on the second or third Monday of most months, noon-1:30pm, in the Mellon Seminar Room (LRC 532B) except as noted.
- Sept. 11 (CAT+FD Conference Room: LRC 534A)
- Oct. 23
- Nov. 20
- Jan. 22
- Feb. 19
- Mar. 19
- Apr. 16
- Jeremy Cohen, Psychology
- Bart Everson (co-facilitator), CAT+FD
- Wendy Gaudin (co-facilitator) Student Academic Success
- Shu Peng, Confucius Institute
- Donna Robinson, Clinical and Administrative Sciences
- Sunil Sirohi, Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Sarah Weaver, Chemistry
First Meeting
11 September 2017
- Three bell meditation
- Brief introductions
- Foundations and definitions
- Programmatic goals and affordances
- Personal goals and re-introductions
- Readings
- Gadgets
- Wrap: questions going forward