Customize Your Course Homepage in Brightspace

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The course homepage is the first page students see when they enter your Brightspace course. This first look at your course will leave a lasting impression. You can customize your course by changing the layout and appearance of your course homepages. You can add dynamic objects to the homepage with the use of widgets. Use the course homepage to orient the students and convey important information. This workshop, the eighth in our #LEX Advance series, builds on the skills you learned in the #LearnEverywhereXULA course and will help you to customize your course homepages to enhance the course experience for your students.

Link to Workshop Recording (coming soon).

  1. Workshop Slides (coming soon)
  2. Design a Course Homepage with Widgets (pdf)
  3. Widgets
  1. Change the Name of Your Course
  2. Change Banner Image and Banner Text (video)
  3. Brightspace Editor
  4. Quicklinks
  5. Replace Strings
  6. Find Free Images to Use in Your Courses
  7. List Of Free Photo And Image Editing Tools
  8. Creative Commons Wiki Resource
  9. Course Design Suggestions
  10. How the Human Eye Reads a Website
  11. #LearnEverywhereXULA Advanced Certification