Writing and Research Productivity
If you are looking for advice on increasing your scholarly writing productivity (without sacrificing your teaching or your personal life!) please see the links below. They each have some great advice on how to jumpstart your writing pipeline. Also, feel free to drop by the CAT+FD Writing Room anytime you want a quiet space to think and write!
- Get a Life, Ph.D. by Tonya Golash-Boza
- Nine Steps to Becoming a Highly Productive Academic Writer
- Raul Pacheco-Vega’s Tips for Productivity
- From the Chronicle of Higher Education:
- Rebecca Schuman’s series “Are You Writing?”
- The Habits of Highly Productive Writers by Rachel Toor
- The Rules of Writing Group by Claire P. Curtis
- Academic & Writing Coach Cathy Mazak (& links to her blog)
- Wendy Belcher’s (How to Write Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks) Writing Advice for Academics
- Finding your BASE in Academic Writing (Helen Sword) and How Successful Academic Writers Stay Productive (Interview with Sword)
- Webinars (Free!) on Academic Writing and Productivity from The Professor is In!
- Jolie Jensen’s Advice for Academic Writers in Chronicle Vitae
- Ten Ways to Unstick Your Writing by Helen Kara
- CAT FooD Podcast
- Interview with Cathy Mazak - Part I and Part II
- Interview with Jolie Jensen