How to Make Excellent Video Lectures

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Originally presented for CAT+FD on 8 Sept. 2021 by Bart Everson

With today’s technology tools, anyone can make a video lecture. This workshop provides you with step-by-step instructions to make your video lectures excellent.

For your viewing convenience, we've broken the video up into four discrete, bite-sized, digestible "chunks." We recommend watching them in order at your own pace.

  1. Overview & Pre-Production
  2. Production
  3. Post-Production
  4. Sharing

Had enough? Want more? We've got more! By way of contrast to the four short videos, check out this video recording of the original "live" workshop.

Please note the above is not intended as an example of a video lecture, excellent or otherwise. It is merely a recording of a Zoom meeting.

Bonus materials

  1. Slide deck
  2. Check out our Camtasia resources.
  3. See also our Video help page for general tips on working with video.