Course Analytics: Insights to Empower Your Teaching and Improve Student Learning

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Originally presented for CAT+FD on 18 September 2024 by Ms. Janice Florent

In today's dynamic higher education landscape, instructors are constantly seeking ways to improve student learning and engagement. Brightspace Course Analytics provides powerful tools and data visualizations that can help to achieve this goal.

Brightspace Course Analytics allows instructors to track student activity, improve their understanding of concepts taught, provide support, and optimize the learning environment. Instructors can use Course Analytics to get an overview of student performance and areas in which they can intervene with additional material.

This workshop will introduce you to Brightspace Course Analytics. Tools and topics that will be covered are:

  • Class/User Progress
  • Content Reports
  • Quiz Statistics
  • Grade Statistics
  • Discussion Statistics
  • Rubric Statistics
  • Survey Statistics

This workshop, the nineteenth in our #LEX Advanced series, builds on the skills you learned in the #LearnEverywhereXULA course and is ideal for faculty who are interested in using Brightspace Course Analytics to empower their teaching and improve student learning. Whether you are a new user or an experienced Brightspace user, this workshop will provide you with valuable insights and actionable strategies.

Workshop Recording


Slide Deck

Use Analytics to Empower Your Teaching and Improve Student Learning

Brightspace Course Analytics

Class/User Progress

Content Reports

Discussion Statistics

Quiz Statistics

Grade Statistics

Rubric Statistics

Survey Statistics